Residential Demolition Contractors Charlotte NC
Chosen by homeowners and investors as the top-notch demolition contractors in Charlotte and beyond.
Preparing ForResidential Demolition
We Conduct The Inspection
We conduct a pre-demolition inspection to identify any issues that need to be addressed before demolition, such as asbestos, mold, or lead pipes.
If Necessary
If the job requires permitting, we can help walk you through the entire process.
Speak With Neighbors
While it’s not a policy of ours, it’s always a polite idea to notify your neighbors about the upcoming demolition. It can be helpful to inform them about potential noise and dust during the process.
Disconnect Utilities
Some jobs will require your gas, electrical, and water providers to safely shut off and cap all services. No matter what, we will always be ready to walk you through the entire process to ensure the correct preparation for the project.
Residential Projects
Why Choose Atlas Demolition
Atlas Demolition is committed to providing reliable, efficient, and environmentally responsible residential demolition services.
Our residential interior demolition contractors ensure that all work is done in compliance with local regulations and standards, giving you peace of mind throughout the process.
Contact us today to discuss your house demolition needs and let us show you why we are the premier choice for demolition services in Charlotte.